Thursday 10 January 2008

F: Well now we have seen how fake identity can get you fame I think its time we moved on.

G: I quite agree FIFI I have for you viewers yet another fabulous and very easy way with wich to become a star on the interent. Become a gamer. In the internet world gaming is taken very seriously and FIFI and I both have a great love for it.

F: Thats right and we feel that we would like to share with you viewers how you to could become famous, across the globe in the faboulous world of on-line gaming. So Gwynnie what exactly is on-line gaming

G: Online gaming grew out of games on bulletin board systems and on college mainframes from the 1970s and 1980s. MUDs or (Multi-User Dungeon, Domain or Dimension) offered multiplayer competition and cooperation but on a scope more geographically limited than on the internet. The internet allowed gamers from all over the world - not just within one country or state - to play games together with ease. And viewers the more spare time you plough into on-line gaming the more famous you could become.

F: One of our personal favourites is Second life. An Internet-based virtual world launched in 2003 In which residents can explore, meet other Residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities and create and trade items. You create an avatar - a virtual you and then convert your real money into money that can be spent in the virtual world.

G: of course there are side-effects which our producers have asked us to briefly mention. Bad eye-sight, dizziness, headaches and naseau

F: Yes and dont forget the RSI, spinal damage and yellowing of the skin due to the lack of sunlight.

G: And we probably should warn you that you may never find the spare time to have a real conversation with a real person ever again possibly with you ending up looking something like this.
(show slide-show of funny pics)

F: BUT.. you could become the most famous in you new flwless virtual world. And all though you will never recieve their praise gamers around the world will be nodding their heads to your on-line name.

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