Sunday 13 January 2008

G: another aspect of performing on the internet is the highly entertaining happy slapping! It is a dangerously exciting way of creating performances which achieve the highest recognition as they are so badly publicized, we recommend that you do keep a fake identity though as an arrest could be possible!

F: This is all origionated from show such as Jakass and dirty sanchez but has been taken to a whole other level of involving the public! One was even shown on the news and a girl form the x factor was publicized as being a happy slapper

G: now I bet you’ve all heard of lonely girl 15?

F: nope!

G: excuse me?

F: who?

G: well for all you imbecile’s, lonely girl 15 used the internet and youtube to create a fictional character named bree, she video blogged a diary of her life. It actually turned out that she was named Jessica rose and was 19! She gained quite a bit of fame as she intrigued the internet audience and even ended up getting acting work from it! How Clever!

F: wow..i’m very impressed! You tube is a fascinating site dedicated to uploading videos to share with the world, something that will be essential to your success!

G: as you should all hope, we will be back again soon with more hard hitting adventures into the realm of the virtual!

F: good luck fellow internet lovers! We hope to see your famous faces soon!

Theme tune!

Thursday 10 January 2008

F: Well now we have seen how fake identity can get you fame I think its time we moved on.

G: I quite agree FIFI I have for you viewers yet another fabulous and very easy way with wich to become a star on the interent. Become a gamer. In the internet world gaming is taken very seriously and FIFI and I both have a great love for it.

F: Thats right and we feel that we would like to share with you viewers how you to could become famous, across the globe in the faboulous world of on-line gaming. So Gwynnie what exactly is on-line gaming

G: Online gaming grew out of games on bulletin board systems and on college mainframes from the 1970s and 1980s. MUDs or (Multi-User Dungeon, Domain or Dimension) offered multiplayer competition and cooperation but on a scope more geographically limited than on the internet. The internet allowed gamers from all over the world - not just within one country or state - to play games together with ease. And viewers the more spare time you plough into on-line gaming the more famous you could become.

F: One of our personal favourites is Second life. An Internet-based virtual world launched in 2003 In which residents can explore, meet other Residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities and create and trade items. You create an avatar - a virtual you and then convert your real money into money that can be spent in the virtual world.

G: of course there are side-effects which our producers have asked us to briefly mention. Bad eye-sight, dizziness, headaches and naseau

F: Yes and dont forget the RSI, spinal damage and yellowing of the skin due to the lack of sunlight.

G: And we probably should warn you that you may never find the spare time to have a real conversation with a real person ever again possibly with you ending up looking something like this.
(show slide-show of funny pics)

F: BUT.. you could become the most famous in you new flwless virtual world. And all though you will never recieve their praise gamers around the world will be nodding their heads to your on-line name.

Friday 28 December 2007

F: Myself and Gywnnie have found that you can make up a whole new set of details about yourself, your age, date of birth, nationality, how many A levels and degrees you have. And if their someone you now of that seems like the perfect person you could even use their details, however this may not be 100% legal so we're not specifically telling you to do that. The internet and chat rooms are perfect places to play out this virtual reality world of a better newly improved you, and I tell you what viewers it feels amazing. Why stick as boring you when you can perform on screen as a sexy, intelligent, popular person.
G: Here are some great people that we have been able to find by performing behind a new identity on the internet. ( show a couple of myspace pages etc. then show clippings of paedophile internet abuse etc)(then need to remind me of what the other topics we wrote down where as well as identity theft?)

Tuesday 18 December 2007 far.

Theme tune (they eype they blog they type they blog they type, chat chat chat, Blog blog blog, the Fifi and Gwynnie show!)

IS it switched on? Yes? No?....

G- hello and welcome internet lovers, you are clicking in to the topical, political and highly acclaimed Fifi and Gwynnie show!

F- today our programme will be showing you haow to perform on the internet and get your 15minutes of fame!

but what is the internet exactly?

G- The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW).

F- or in my mind, the best way to get new friends. If it wasn't for the internet i'd be a complete loser, wouldn't I gwynnie?

G- Yes Fifi, usisng the internet means you can get by without any social skills at all.
Anyway - this week we have been looking at how to make yourself famous using the wonder of the internet.

F- I myself have been checking out chat rooms, they are a perfect way to meet ton's of people from all over the world without ever having to actually meet them. Which is handy as i don't look anything like my profile photo!

G- very true Fifi, in fact viewers Fifi has never had a boyfriend, until she used this picture on a dating website and the offers for dates came flooding in!

F- Tips for the Ladies - never show who you really are on dating websites, unless you really are that beautiful, it is easy to use someone elses photo, for example, on facebook look up pretty females on search and add them as a friend. They are usually dumb enough to except and then you can download one of thier photos and use it as yourself! easy!

G- this is very true Fifi, and it is a very clever use of the internet. Men you can also do the same if you are lacking in some areas!

Now this brings me on to performing with a fake identity! this will protect you from manic fans when you occasionally leave the house and also when the police begin to search for you!


Within our piece we intend to create:
  • An amateur home-made video- as this is similar to some of the material we have watched on the internet adn feel it fits in best with the message we are trying to give
  • Developed Characters from our blogs with a comedic value and also a satirical approach to the material
  • We felt it would have greater impact if there was a comedy and light heartedness surrounding the negative material.
  • We aim to create a piece where the audiences begins laughing but gradually realises that what they are laughing at is not funny. This may then make them feel disgusted with themselves and see the internet material in a differeent light.

Monday 3 December 2007

This blog will be used for us to discuss our ideas for our project and help us to develop a script whilst apart.